Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blue's Clues Boy!!!

Jensen loves Blue's Clues. His favorite song is mail time. He has a tendency to get a little carried away when he watches it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Christmas PJ's

Jensen in action!
Hagen was going to get him. He thinks it's so funny!

I couldn't get him to focus on me taking a pic. this is the best I could get...

I don't think that I have ever mentioned that I am in a sewing group. It is one of our groups for church. I was never really into sewing but I have really enjoyed learning. I made these pj's for my boys. They are supposed to be for christmas but they don't know the difference so they will probably get them now. Hagen won't take his off. Why are they wearing them now do you ask? I had to try them on to make sure they fit. So Merry Christmas boys!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Instead of carving pumpkins I bought little pegs you stick in the pumpkin and put a light inside and the light shines though the pegs. Hagen LOVED it. It was perfect for him. He hammered in all the little pegs himself. We had a good Halloween. We went to Pocatello cuz Shane's niece was baptized and then went to g-ma and g-pas trunk or treat.

Mean Old Witch

Hagen learned these songs in Joy School. He really loves the witch song. I took these the day of school but we listened to them a lot more before Halloween and he knows the witch one perfect now!

Swimming lessons

Hagen's 1st day of swimming lessons. He didn't know what to expect and was crazy. Yep that is him sitting in timeout out of the pool. By the 2nd class he knew he had to listen and he did awesome! He is such a little fish.

I have my own Spiderman

Hagen loves spiderman so I made this spiderman shirt for him and Jensen always want to wear it too. Jensen thinks he is so cool in it.

San Diego!

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Monday, September 21, 2009


So for now I have given up on our summer life. We had a crazy summer. We were always gone or had people over. Maybe I can find time to post some of it later. We did go to San Diego a couple weeks ago and had a blast. I'll have to share about that. Kristy, this is for you. Thanks for keeping me on my toes!

Joy School!

Hagen started preschool this year. I am doing Joy School. Me and 6 of my friends each take a turn teaching. I teach every seven weeks. This is his school picture for the joy school house. Hagen loves it! And so do I!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What does the "A" say?

So Hagen loves the movie The Letter Factory. He watched it pretty much the whole time in the car my last trip to and from Utah. Therefore, Jensen gets to watch it also. When my 15month old knows the show by heart then maybe they have seen it to much. He hasn't said his first word yet, just his first sentence. Enjoy! (I do)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day

We visited the graves on Memorial Day, it was nice I haven't done that since High School. Hagen fell asleep on the way and I put him down thinking he would wake up and he stayed asleep. Yea, he is really asleep in that pic. Silly boy!


Can anyone guess what Jensen did while mom and dad were gone? Yep, finally at 15mos he started walking. The little turkey. I have no pictures or videos, grandma Flahaut was put in charge of that. I have yet to see them all. They did text me a video while i was gone.

Ferry Ride

We took a Ferry ride. You might think it is for kids but i had fun. We had about 45 min on the island before the ferry went back so we found shells and crabs and even a starfish on the beach. I think I liked it more than the kids. It's not everyday you see the ocean.

Pike's Market

We went to the market and had a blast. There were tulips everywhere. And it smelled fishy.

Sight seeing

We went down to beach that is like 5 minutes from my sisters house. We walked along the boardwalk and found shells on the shore. The park is a huge park with a little lake right next to it. So fun. It made me wish for just a sec that my kids were there.

Blessing Day!

Avry was blessed the next day. She was a pro! She looks so much like my sister don't ya think?

Seattle was so fun!

I went to Seattle the beginning of May for Mauri's baptism and To see my newest niece, Avry Jo get blessed. She was two weeks old when we got there and so tiny and cute. These pics are of Mauri on her baptism day and of my sister Kami's family. Mauri asked me to give a talk on Baptism. It was so fun to be there with her.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Old news but it still bugs! TWILIGHT!!!

Ok, so I read the books a while ago and saw the movie a couple times when it came out. I didn't know what to think of the movie and have been wanting to read the books again. They got lost for a while in the move but I found them the other day and read Twilight. A couple of my friends came over last night to watch the movie with me again, and I still don't know what to think. It bugs that they added parts that didn't happen and left out some good stuff. And what is with the Cullen's house? I need to vent and Shane is gone, not that he would care anyway. What do you think?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Really? He just got back...

Well Shane left yesterday:( He went back to Kuwait. Why? I don't really know. I guess it is part of training, they call it an exercise. Whatever, i call it rude and a waste of money. He will only be gone for 4 weeks, but still. He was picked by the commander to go so I guess it is a compliment that he is a hard worker. I have a trip planned to go to Seattle. My sister just had her 4th baby girl, Avry and they are blessing her on Sunday and my niece Mauri is getting baptized on Saturday. I am so excited to go see them. That will help the time go by faster while Shane is gone.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Best Dressed!

So I bought these outfits for Easter Sunday but they didn't come in time and then we had Stake conference. They finally wore them this last Sunday. I have adorable boys.

Grandma Flahaut made a pinata for Hagen for easter. He has never done one but he figured it out with no problems. Thanks G-ma, that was fun!

The Hunt

Do you notice his raspy voice? He had a cold and me and Shane loved the way he talked. It was so cute.


We had a fun day on easter. Shane was supposed to work and a couple days before his shift was changed and he got it off. Hagen loved looking for the eggs and didn't want it to end.

Monday, April 27, 2009

ta da!

We live in a corner house with a playground right behind it. But Shane's favorite part are the California Quail that are every where.

Home sweet Home

I am kinda embarrassed. The house looks a mess. I love it though. We definitely downsized but we are adjusting. It is hard to tell exactly how it is layed out but it is actually nice.

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